Monday, March 7, 2016

March 1st. Battle Results Day

Welcome to RESULTS DAY for Battle of the Bands!!

I am dc ~ relief, and my battle featured: How Do you Keep the Music Playing?

Tito Nieves with Alexandra Taveras @ 13 votes - The Winners!!!

George Benson + Carmen Bradford @ 9 votes (including mine)

'Mucho-thanks to our event hosts:


Stephen T. McCarthy

Thank you for voting in my battle. Hope to see everyone at the next battle on Tuesday, March 15th.

It's the month of March and I'm thinking March wind... 
Spring is on the way... 
Daffodils popping up in my yard, gently swaying in the wind... 
hmm, windy city... Chicago! 
Oh yes... Chicago... and a  nice windy song. 
Spring - 'Only the Beginning.' 


  1. I didn't pick the winner, but that's all right!

  2. Not a bad outcome at all. And I was on the side with the most votes! Yay!

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

  3. Good Battle, DIXIE POLKA!
    You've had two Battles in a row that were decided by a mere 4 votes. That's the way it's done! (Unlike my Battle. I'm afraid I didn't set a good example this time. GAH!!!)

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

  4. A nice, close battle - as it should be. It's good to be on the winning side this time, too. Really reinforces that my musical taste isn't complete garbage (just minor garbage).

  5. I picked the winner! And you picked the winner of a song. I love Chicago, both the city and the band.
    Gonna give this a listen while I comment. :)

  6. Gah! Can't believe Benson did not win.

  7. My choice didn't win. Oh well; at least it was fairly close.

    I took the liberty of nominating you for the Music and Words Award. There's no obligation to participate, but here's the link: Music & Words Award Cheers! ☺

  8. Well, I miss that one but how can one truly lose? They're both great songs and I got to visit Dixie! Win, win!

    Hugs to you, girl!
