Saturday, March 7, 2015

RESULTS DAY! Bryan Ferry vs Taj Mahal (Battle # 5 for the year)

"Battle of the Bands" -  a blog hop that's all about the music. Participants this month brought some fine stuff forward. "We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun..." Yeah! I hope you had the chance to visit each of the sites that took part in this one-of-a-kind blog hop! No? Not to worry - we'll do it again on the 15th of March - be there or be square.
Thank you to our blog hop hosts! 

Thank you to all "Battle of the Band" blog hop participants, and the visitors who love this stuff!!

My song choice was "All Along the Watchtower, " written and originally recorded by Bob Dylan. Later recorded by Jimi Hendrix, which is still considered the most popular version of this song.

However  ~
Mr. Bryan Ferry and the challenger, Mr. Taj Mahal have excited a would be fan base in this battle. Well done gentlemen, and thank you for the excellent versions! 

Commentary  ~
You want to know how the winner was chosen? Feel free to step back to the "Battle post." Those people have some serious opinions!!

For me, my original choice stayed the same as the day I first heard it. Something so different and quirky, it turned me around. I will always be the Hendrix fan, but this was a fun execution. I voted Taj Mahal.

The WINNER ~ Who won this quirky match up? Don't keep 'em waiting any longer!!

Bryan Ferry @ 11 votes
Taj Mahal     @   8 votes

Thank you, again, for joining in. See you on March 15th for the next "Battle of the Bands."

~ dcrelief ~ that's a wrap!


  1. Closer than I thought.
    I'll be joining you for the next BOTB!

    1. You voted for the winner on this one!
      It was a Bryan Ferry run away until late Thursday, then I had four votes for Taj Mahal come in.

      Alex, that will be great! See you then.

  2. Your BOTB was close, and the same margin of victory as mine: 3 votes.

    This was a really good one you put together. Hated to vote against Taj but Bryan Ferry's version really surprised me. If I had been forced to guess which of the two I'd be voting for PRIOR to listening to them, I would have guessed TM. (Not Transcendental Meditation. Taj Mahal.)

    See ya on or around the 15th, Dixie Polka.

    ~ D-FensDogg

    1. Yeah - I just left a comment at your place. The tally surprised me.

      ["This was a really good one you put together."] I see this almost as a fluke - a floundering stroke of unexpected good fortune! However, coming from you - that's a compliment - (the phoenix rises above the ashes) - thank you.

      Bryan Ferry had it going - obviously the votes tell the story. The young guitarist evoked major hits, understandably! I'm happy with the outcome. Receiving nineteen participant votes is great! Taj winning would been really nice because of my huge love of saxophone, and that hot little beat of his. That's life. Still I'm glad you saw merit in the tune.

      Get there & get comfy. We're like dogs waiting on a bone ~ we do like gnawing on da' battles.

  3. Glad to see Taj did as well as he did. Still think he shoulda won, but that's how it goes.

    1. I was major surprised getting those four last minute votes. I would have been fine with tie at that point. I enjoyed Ferry's guitarist, but not so much Ferry's voice. I wanted that voice character that Taj offered... and the sax and the beat!!

      In the end - you said it - "that's how it goes."

  4. This was an interesting match and as I would have expected it to turn out. Both versions were nice to listen to.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Well, Lee, that's a nice thing to say. Thank you. I do believe you voted for the winner. (smile).
